Friday, December 4, 2009

Mark's Extra Credit Podcast

This is my extra credit podcast which discusses whether a color can drag down test scores or set a person up for failure.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blog # 5

I used a fun website that students can go and learn about all aspects of science from any discipline. The website is called Science Spot, and is found at What I like about this website is that it offers various ways of learning about big topics in science besides just reading. There are games, challenges, flip books, puzzles and many other formats for learning about science in a fun and engaging manner. Having students who are scientifically literate is an important skill in the world today. With many socio-scientific issues impacting our world today, it is crucial that students to be knowledgeable about what is good science versus pseudo-science, and becoming conscientious citizens about what political agendas being thrown at them should be voted for or against is vital the country's future. I see that my job as a teacher is to provide the basis of that learning, and I choose to implement many technologies in the classroom to bring my goal of creating scientifically literate students to fruition.

I remember as a student I loved trivia, and I know maybe not all students may like it, but it is a great way to learning some facts that may be topics in my classroom. The students can go on this site and learn so much about American History, which I find important because the history of America needs to be learned by every student in the country. Knowing our history and understanding it, helps students relate to why the country is the way it is today. Also, the teens can post their own trivia about the topics we covered in class that day.

I think that presentation software can be very beneficial tool in the classroom, however there are some advantages and disadvantages. An advantage is that presentation software allows the presenter to get ideas out to an audience in a succinct way and then discuss it further. The presenter can use many techniques to create a presentation that can be visually and audibly engaging. One can use many graphics, designs, animations, and sound effects. And although these are pretty cool there can be some drawbacks to using this kind of technology. For example, a presenter should not rely solely on the presentation as a way to teach or share ideas. If one just reads the information to the students, or audience, then teaching is ineffective, in my opinion. Also, all technology has the potential of being problematic. If the LCD presenter should fail, or a computer problem arise, then what? One must be able to have a "backup" plan in order to be prepared because no matter how wonderful technology is, it has the potential to fail. One last disadvantage would be that students have grown accustom to PowerPoint presentations, and sit through them constantly fighting fatigue and sleep awaiting the next slide and drone presentation. So, I think a better strategy that is advantageous would be to offer a few slides and then discuss why it all matters, and try to make the presentation more interactive with the students. Having students listen, take notes, and watch the teacher can be somewhat daunting and should be minimized as much as possible in my opinion. I believe that having this approach will make the class more effective.

As a teacher, I use PowerPoint (PP) quite often to create presentations that cover the scientific content within my curriculum. What I enjoy about PP is that I get highlight the main objectives in a way that is concise, which can then be added to my school web page. I will post the PP notes on my website prior to going over the material so that students can print them off and bring to class and make additional notes. This prevents me "losing" students who are just focused on writing down everything they see instead of being engaged in discussion. Furthermore, it allows me to show videos that can be a demonstration or a reinforcement about the day's topic, which certainly helps my visual learners. There are so many aspects about PP that I can use to help instruct my students from mere lecture notes to cool story boards with animations. It can also be a great way to create review games that are fun and engaging as well.

Blog # 4

Since I am a teacher, I often have my students outline reading assignments so that they can organize the main points into succinct notes to use as a quiz or test review. I have them actually type up their outlines, but before I could assign this task I had to take a day to teach a lesson on how to use MS Word. In that lesson, I showed how to use the basic tab functions under the "home", "page layout", and "review" options. I tell the students what font size, and font type I want when they submit their outline for a grade, so that it is standardized. I also implement idea maps or concept maps as a tool to help teach ideas. For example, when I teach about plant and animal cells, I have the students compare and contrast the two types of cells by using Venn Diagrams, which give a quick visual snapshot of the main points. These methods help to keep notes organized in a concise way for a quick review prior to an assessment. I think that I will implement a lesson on the Inspiration software next year so that students can create their own concept maps to help with learning a topic such as taxonomy.

Developing an outline, idea map, and story boarding skills (I haven't used this one yet) are great ways to help organize ideas and place them in one location. By helping students get organized, I know that their stress level will be reduced. If they have good notes to review then they do not have to refer to the daunting textbook to reread mulitple pages. So, I take time at the beginning of the school year to talk about outlining and notetaking in my class to ulimately help them become better students with stronger academic skills that will better prepare them for higher academic courses.

I really was impressed with learning about mail merge for writing letters with multiple names, which can be inserted in a letter template. I thought this was a very useful skill to learn since teachers deal with all kinds of correspondence. If I can write ONE letter and use mail merge to personalize it for my students then I will definitely use it to save time.

Blog # 8

With the focus of education increasingly being turned to differentiated instruction, teachers are using WeQuests more frequently. Since students are so drawn to the internet, they will easily be motivated to perform an educational task on the internet. Thus, the idea of WebQuests was conceived. WebQuests are a great tool to help address the different learning styles of each students. In fact, the number of activities associated with a WebQuest can reach almost any student. As I read about webquests and looked over the internet for various examples, it quickly became apparent that many are created by educators. If I were to create a webquest, I think I would need additonal instructional time with a software program such as DreamWeaver or Microsoft Frontpage. I am not comfortable enough to do that just yet, but I am always eager to learn a new technology skill to bring into the classroom. I teach science, and there are some topics that are really tough for students to comprehend. For example, genetics is challenging for middle school students to learn. When I teach on DNA replication and all that it entails, I have to scale it back compared to high school or college level because I don't believe their cognitive skills are as developed to handle the comprehension of such difficult concepts. I believe that Webquests would be very beneficial in helping to teach such a difficult topic because it would allow students to work at their own pace if I give them a specific webquest to visit. If I can become saavy enough to understand how to create a webquest, then I could easily create a cooperative group project for my students. I already do cooperative learning projects in my class whereby I place students in groups of four and have each person responsible for researching a specific topic and then bring it back and share with their group members what they learned. I could extend this activity by having the group create a webquest, which would be a great way to demonstrate student learning.

I just finished teaching the students about plant and animal cells and I actually used a cell webquest to assist in teaching about the different cellular organelles, where they are located, and, of course, their functions. I used The Great Cell Web Quest site at This was created by an educator who did a phenomenal job of packing all kinds of interesting videos and tasks within the web quest. It starts out with an introduction and then it takes the student step by step into the various tasks that will help teach them about the specific topic. It not only provided great information about cells, but it was comical and entertaining. The kids loved doing the various tasks within the computer lab and really looked forward to class during that week. So, I know that this is something I shall definitely put in my educator toolbox for future use!!!

The new things that I have learned during this particular week was creating a crossword puzzle, which I never did before, and also using excel to create formulas for calculating. I know that using excel formulas will definitely be more useful to me than the crossword puzzle. It's not that I didn't enjoy the crossword puzzle, it's just that they are demand so much time to create that I can use free online programs that can generate crossword puzzles instantly, and all I have to do is type in the word and the definition is the specific spots. As for the excel formulas, I have used and will continue to use this skill frequently in my teaching career. I had to use it to calculate the number of students who have paid for the fieldtrip and also how many boys were attending versus girls in order to calculate the number of hotel rooms, and busses to reserve. So, this is something that I will use frequently. I wouldn't use it very much to calculate grades because we already use a grading software program to do all of that for me.

Blog #10

One of the main positive benefits for taking this course, aside from fulfilling a requirement towards my teaching certification, is that this course provided useful information about technology that I could actually use in the classroom. This course taught me new software that I never knew existed such as Jing and Inspiration, which I have continued to use for my classes. I was also shown new "tricks" with Excel and Microsoft Word that I never knew prior to taking this course. For example, if I want to make a letter that has each student's name, or their parent's name in the actual letter, I do not need to write multiple letters. Instead, I can use just one letter and create an excel file with all of the names written in it. Then I can print the letter with instructions that pull the names from the excel file so that I have individual letters. I thought that was a great technique that will save time when sending out letters about upcoming trips or events, which personalizes it. I have also learned how to create a newsletter, which I still use each nine weeks. I actually have students help write it and then post it to my blog. The students like it and it provides great information for the parents.

The project was a great assignment because it allowed me to collaborate with other classmates to create something new and innovative that I can use with my students in the classroom. My group lost one student leaving only Samantha and I to complete the task, but we shared the workload equally to complete the assignment, and I am proud of what we did. I will actually get to use our product in January upon returning from the Christmas break. I think that this assignment should be given each semester because it allows students to create a product using the various technologies learned in the course.

I will continue to use Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint as the main technology staples in my educational toolbox. However, I want to extend beyond the more traditional boundaries of those technologies and imbue my class curriculum with some of the more "modern" technologies that I learned in this course such as creating and maintaining a blog about science, as well as dabble with podcasts. Those are two very new technologies that I would like to explore and bring into my classroom environment. I would like to bring current issues to the forefront for my students to discuss the debates surrounding global warming, renewable energy sources, and explore the environmental impacts caused by offshore drilling in hopes of becoming independent on oil. These issues and the decisions about them will affect my students' lives in a profound way. I want to use what I learned in this class to help get the information out to them in a more interactive way than just a boring old lecture.

Most of my classmates' blogs were similar in that they answered the questions provided by the instructor in the blog. I was impressed by how creative some of the students made their blog pages. As I play around more with my blog page, I am confident that I will be able to make it more personable, but for now, I am satisfied with just being able to post a blog. This is the first time that I ever blogged and I really think it is a great forum for exchanging ideas.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Blog #9

This past week I have been working with my partner to create our final technology project. I feel confident that the project is coming along rather nicely. I am also gaining greater confidence with using various technologies that I have been working with this semester, and believe that it will become even easier with more practice. My class partner and I have communicated well regarding what we want to create, and have been able to share our work through various technologies such as e-mail and wikispace. Overall, I have enjoyed creating this project because I definitely will use it in the coming weeks prior to the school's Christmas break.

During this week, I have contributed a great deal to this project. Since I am the teacher that this project is being created for, I have been able to provide guidance about the finished product. I have created the lesson plan for which all of the other technologies will be utilized for this project. I have also created the template for the Jeopardy review game. I have also created the section containing the punnett square problems. I will also be creating the assessment for the lesson plan that is with this assignment.

Since I have been working extensively with PowerPoint, I have become quite efficient at creating slides with diverse animations, as well as including various sounds and transitions. When this project is complete, I am quite confident that I will be capable of creating some really nice presentations useful for my classroom. This course has been very beneficial for learning new technologies that I can use in the classroom. I have already taught my students about wikispaces for a project they are working on so that they can have a working copy in one location for each student to use. So, I feel that the course has been helpful in many ways, and would recommend it to other teachers.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Blog #7

I have a web-based resource that I often use in my classroom to help with ideas about scientific concepts that I will be teaching during the week. It is, which discusses everything and anything a person ever wanted to know about science. The great thing about this website is that it offers users the option to select topics based on grade level. Take a moment and check it. I'm sure you'll find it interesting....even if you're not a science geek. :o)

As a 7th grade science teacher, I have become very accustom to using Microsoft Excel to help organize all kinds of data. For one thing, I always use excel to create bar graphs that show the results for all exams by class, and then as an overall average of all of the classes. I will show the average grade, highest grade, lowest grade, and standard deviation so that students, as well as myself, can clearly see how well they understood the material. In addition, I teach students how to input data into an excel worksheet so that they can create line graphs, pie charts, and bar graphs to reveal data trends from their experiments. Then I will have students analyze their data to make a conclusion. For example, we just got back from Sea World this past weekend, November 5th and 6th, from an education fieldtrip. Students were given a statistical chart that reflected various animal rescues at Sea World during a 10 year period. My students are to create a line graph adn a bar graph to reflect the number of rescues for each group of animals for the 10 year period. I instructed my students today, November 9, that they are to place the year along the horizontal axis and the number of rescues along the vertical axis. Then they had to label the name of the animal group it represents and turn that in to me by Friday, November 13. This kind of technology in the classroom gives students an opportunity to become familiar with a program that they will definitely have to be proficient with in the future with high school and definitely science classes.
I also used excel to create a spreadsheet that showed a list of students who paid to go on our fieldtrip. There were two payment dates, which I was able to annotate by creating two columns with the dates payable at the top. As students paid me, I entered the dollar amount in the correct column/cell. I used a "Sum" formula to tabulate the total dollar amount and total number of girls and boys attending the fieldtrip. I also used excel to create a room list based on the data of students attending. This program enables me to keep data well organized for any kind of situation, which makes life for a teacher so much easier. I can not imagine life before a computer and helpful software.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Blog #6

I decided to do my PowerPoint assignment #1 on metric conversion. I felt that my presentation did an excellent job of discussing the learning objectives and assessing the student's ability to demonstrate their knowledge of converting one metric unit to the next. I even included animation that showed a step by step process for the conversion. For example, I demonstrated how to do the problem and then I provided an opportunity for students to work on a problem as I supervised them. Then I used the presentation to show how to correctly carry out the problem.

Here's an example of a problem that the students have to solve. So, I place it up on the screen and give the students time to work on the problem while I walk around the classroom observing:

The next photos show the presentation animation for how to solve the problem.

This was a great way to show how to do metric conversions, and enabled me to see how students progressed with each problem that was projected on the screen. It was interactive, the color scheme was not distracting, and the animation gave a clear explanation as to how metric conversion works. The only thing that might make a slight improvement would be adding some sound effects, but I wasn't sure if that would have caused a distraction, so I left it out.

Sometimes using computers in the classroom is not always a viable option. In such cases, there are other ways to integrate them in the classroom. For example, I have used overhead projectors to display graphs and tables that I created on a computer, but was not able to project them using an LCD projector. So, the next "best" thing was to print them out and make transparencies. I also have students do research projects and require them to put their data and results on a presentation board. These are some options that are possible if computers aren't available in sufficient quantities in the classroom.

Some ways that I could integrate peripherals and audio-visual technologies with computer-based technologies is by allowing students to work on projects together cooperatively and enable them to create a PowerPoint presentation for their peers. Another useful and fun, creative way is by having them create a podcast. There are numbers computer-based technologies that can be integrated in the classroom to enhance learning. In fact, there are software companies who design educational games that focus on big concepts in science. All are excellent methods to help engage students to explore more about the topics they're learning about in class.

In the last week, I learned how to improve my animation skills with PowerPoint. I was not aware that so many features were availabe on PowerPoint, and would have probably never known had I not taken a course. The "help" option usually yields very little explanations on how to use the program to do certain functions, so I felt that this was very beneficial if I wanted to make an animation that showed difficult science concepts such as diffusion or osmosis.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Post #3

I teach 7th grade Life Science, and use technology often in my classroom as a teaching tool, as well as a helpful resource. While teaching a unit on genetics, I wanted to ensure that students had a sound understanding of probability before delving into Mendelian genetics. So, I had students work in groups of 3-4 students per group. The task was simple. They used ten 3 x 5 cards and wrote washed on five cards, and unwashed on five remaining cards. The cards were place in a paper bag and mixed up well. Then a student reached into the paper bag and randomly selected one 3 x 5 card and read the word. Then the card was placed back in the bag and mixed up. This was done 100 times, and recorded on a table. Then they had to switch the probability situation to three “washed” and seven “unwashed” whereby they collected the data and wrote their results on a table. Again, the probability situation is switched to six “washed” and four “unwashed” cards, and the same procedure is followed as the previous steps. On the fourth situation, groups are allowed to make up their own probability situation. In all cases, the cards are randomly selected and placed back in the bag, and recorded on a table manually for each drawing. So, by the end of the probability lab, the students will have 400 data sets recorded. The groups were required to create a table in Microsoft Excel, and then generate a chart that showed the outcome for each probability situation. Then we discussed each group’s outcome. I generated a table in Excel and projected on the screen using my LCD overhead projector that is directly wired to my classroom computer. The students are able to see the table that I created, which I can then input the data for each group. Then I generated a chart based on the entire class’ data results. The chart allowed students to see that their hypotheses paralleled the expected outcome of each probability situation. The final part of the lab required that the groups submit a group lab report containing a title page, the data tables, charts, and a summation about what they observed and learned from doing this lab experiment. So, this gave them the opportunity to work with Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. I did have to teach my students how to create charts from their data tables, which included adding a title to the chart and defining each part of the pie chart. I also showed my class how to create different charts using their same data, and discussed how charts can give a nice snapshot of data in an easy to understand format rather than looking at a cumbersome data table chocked full of numbers. Having 12 laptop computers for this lab allowed each group to work together and afforded me the opportunity to walk around the classroom observing how the students worked together, as well as answer questions if they were confused about something. I can tell you that the students loved this experiment and using the computers, which made the lesson meaningful and fun.
Aside from using Microsoft Word and Excel, I also give my 7th grade students the opportunity to conduct research using the internet for a unit on cells. The assignment requires that students work together in groups of 3 – 4, and they have to use Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation that shows an analogy of a cell. I give them 5 days in the computer lab to work together trying to plan out their presentation and use the internet to find the required information covering the cell membrane, nucleus, and organelles. I try the best I can to group students with a blend of skill levels so that they can work together helping each other on this project. To avoid problems with students googing off or not being productive, the computer lab is set up in a horse shoe position so that I can easily have visual access to everything that the students are working on while in the computer lab. I make it very clear that they are to be working solely on their project and that consequences will occur for students who are using the internet to play games or to view other inappropriate material. This project is such a time demanding assignment that I have not had any student group misuse the time allotted for them in the computer lab. Nonetheless, my concerns, which were previously mentioned, are that they not access inappropriate internet sites or check their personal e-mails during class. The school has an excellent firewall that prevents them from accessing popular sites such as Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, or various e-mail accounts like Yahoo. All in all, this project gives them ample opportunities to use their creativity to design each PowerPoint slide, and makes the presentations fun and interesting to view.
Apart from using various Microsoft programs in the classroom, I also utilize excellent websites for students to view that I list on my personal website. If you check my personal work website,, you will be able to visit any of the sites by clicking on the hyperlinks located on the right side of the webpage. I also use United Streaming Videos to show various educational videos that align with the topics that we will cover throughout the year. The videos add another layer for keeping students engaged and involved because many of them have video quizzes that follow, which I could use for grades, or generate discussions about what they watched. The website for United Streaming is , and requires a subscription or license, which our school has paid for so that teachers can use this resource in the classroom. Again, it is an excellent source of educational videos that I can show as an introduction to a unit, or as a way to reinforce a topic we are learning about in a unit. The site allows you to categorize the videos based on grade level, subject matter, or both, which makes searching very easy. I make an extra effort to find videos that are newer so as to avoid distractions such as horrible acting, corny music, and terrible fashion. This may seem odd, but 7th graders are easily distracted by these simple things. Anyway, take a look at some of the websites I listed on mine and let me know what you think.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Post #2

As I reflect on Chapter 9, I think of a time when I actually used a typewriter. Yes, I used the archaic machine for various assignments from middle school through high school. I remember being happy to be able to white out letters in case of a mistake. That was considered advanced technology in the realm of journalistic devices. Then Microsoft came up with a computerized word processor and writing exploded into a whole new stratosphere of possibilities. I was able to actually utilize the program to change the size and type of font or even insert a table for a science report. It allowed me a whole range of possibilities to organize reports that no typewriter could even come close to in comparison. In fact, MS Word is probably the culprit for killing the typewriter industry. My recollections of the use of word processing by any of my teachers was relegated to writing a syllabus, create worksheets, or write tests and quizzes. Aside from those, I cannot recall a time where a teacher used MS word for something that bedazzled me enough to remember. Today, most people use word processing as nonchalantly as talking on their cell phones, although I believe that these people probably are not as savvy with the full range afforded to an MS user. I used to think the program was quite basic, but it has evolved into a very powerful and extremely creative program. In fact, I am looking forward to learning additional ways that I can utilize MS Word that I was not familiar with in the past.

As a current teacher, I have used MS Word for simplistic creations as teachers before me such as making tests, study guides, tables, graphs, or notes. However, I feel that I have advanced beyond my predecessors by utilizing MS Word to design a brochure for certain events or programs that the school hosted. In fact, I created one for a science program that will begin in summer 2010. Working with that feature was new to me, but it was fun creating the design, and satisfying once completed. I was able to copy and paste different scientific photographs from the internet that added "pizazz" to the look of the brochure, and would catch the attention of the reader. Another creative aspect of MS Word that I was unfamiliar with was creating a newspaper. The textbook gave me an idea that I could develop for a future project with my science students. By taking a big unit, such as genetics, I am contemplating the idea of having students work together to design and write articles and format them into a newspaper. Before I attempt to tackle that project, I first need to learn how to do that, which is something I hope to learn while taking this course. I was unaware of just how versatile MS Word really is for users.

I have already learned some "tricks" with using MS Word that I was unfamiliar with, which I intend to use. Some of the short key strokes that we discussed and were shown in class are very useful skills for working more efficiently with MS Word. Additionally, I have also worked with MS Paint, which I was not too familiar with until two weeks ago. After playing around with it for a couple of hours, I was able to design a pretty cool underwater scene that I am proud to show. I took the idea from an internet website, and the fact that I was able to work with the MS Paint options to create it is a skill that I think is useful for designing future brochures, or even for prepared PowerPoint presentations. There is still a great deal that I am unfamiliar with regarding MS Word, however, I am confident that the skills we learn in this class will help me to implement them in my classroom, and share with my students to help them be more efficient with the program. After reading some of their typed essays over this past weekend, I see it is apparent that not all students are as technologically experienced as the teacher, therefore, I think it will take beneficial to take some time out of my normal curriculum to impart a little wisdom in their direction, and help them learn how to use MS Word better then before coming to my class.

I have included a copy of my MS Paint image that I created, which took some time, but I think it turned out alright. It is supposed to be an underwater theme. Let me know what you think.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Blog Post # 1

I believe that education has been replete with various types of reforms, but I feel that true educational reform will not be possible without the inclusion of technology. As education moves into the 21st century it is paramount that students and educators be versatile with their understanding of computers and other technologies. For educators, it is a way to enhance their style of teaching by bringing in new methodologies that will engage student learning and participation. Furthermore, teachers should set the example for their students by staying current with the times. I agree with what the textbook mentioned how it is unacceptable to have a student "show how to cut and paste" in a word document or some other software. In other words, if we expect our students to continuously learn then teachers must as well. In my class, I have seen the benefits of utilizing technology in the class from creating jeopardy review games to having students work in groups to create a PowerPoint presentation. Technology is leading education today and teachers need to keep up or they will find themselves being passed over by their colleagues and students.

I have been using technology in my class consistently for the past 5 years. In fact, I have several projects that I assign throughout the year requiring students to use that require computer programs. I have had them use excel to create data sheets based on their science lab data, and then they have to analyze and explain the results. I also have them work in groups to create PowerPoint presentations, which even I have learned a couple of tricks from my students for future lectures that I create in PowerPoint. Also, I have implemented various technologies for science labs such as digital microscopes, Texas Instrument Calculators, and LCD projector for displaying videos off the internet. Finally, I have a webpage that I update weekly that shows the weekly lesson plans, homework assignments, and any announcements of upcoming events that I want parents to know, which is very useful. What I hope to gain in addition to my repertoire of technology tools is anything newer that I can utilize in the classroom. I have already learned about Jing, which I am practicing with in order to be more proficient with it. Furthermore, I know that I will learn new ways of doing something that has gotten old. I am interested in finding out more about podcasts, as well. How can I use them in the classroom? So, I am excited to see what things I will learn about in the coming months that will make my classroom an updated technologically saavy science classroom.

I am proud to say that I will be able to apply for my professional certification with FLDOE after this semester, and will be certified to teach science for grades 6 - 12, which I could not be happier. Teaching has been a wonderful experience and career, and I have seen the intangible benefits of making a difference in my students' education and lives. That is why I am looking forward to taking this course; to see what new things I can bring into my classroom to help teach, and inspire students to learn. I feel that my first day in this course has proven itself already since I created my first blog ever. This is a new area for me, and I believe in time, I will get better at using this tool in my classroom. So, I will look forward to learning new skills over this semester that I will be able to impart to my students.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Blog Journal # 0

I have been working with various types of technology such as PowerPoint presentations, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel (limited usage), United Streaming videos for science class, Microsoft Movie Maker, and often use my overhead LCD projector. I have also used Texas Instrument calculators (TI-83) with various types of Vernier probes, which my students have a great time using. However, I have had no experience writing any blogs, nor have I had experience creating HTMLs, but I am looking forward to learning about how to use these technology resources within my classroom.

I hope to learn new technology applications that I can bring into my classroom to allow my students additional options for learning. I envision incorporating the use of blogs to allow my students to work on science homework, as well as different science projects. I believe technology is something that needs to be in the classroom to engage the students in their own learning, and is an alternative resource for teachers to help stimulate student motivation within the science classroom. I feel that this course will equip me with the opportunity to engage my students with new ways of disseminating knowledge about scientific concepts.

I realize that I am a kinesthetic learner. I work best when I can actually do the task as I am learning. I am confident in how I learn best and in what modality best suits my learning style. I was surprised by one aspect of the learning styles survey, which determined that I do not look at the big picture first when deciding how to approach a problem. I typically think that I do, so I will refer to an old musical lyrics from the 90's which is "Things that make you go....hmmmmm."